RH Domain Server  
The Domain Server is designed to fulfill the role of a Windows NT domain controller. The Linux Domain controller utilizes LDAP and is designed to provide services offered by commercial directories such as Microsoft's Active Directory and Novell's E-Directory. Current development is working to use the LDAP functionality to conjoin all of the RHSD projects for centralized administration.

RH Domain Server is currently best suited for medium sized businesses.  This is not a capacity limitation, but the mere fact that the Samba project has not released the code required for Inter-Domain trusts.  Most Medium sized business will not likely require this functionality, but large organizations may.  RH Domain Server is capable of sub-domains however and can be implemented as a directory root server with sub-directory servers for the various parts of your organization.

Interoperability between RHSD projects such as the RHSD Email Server and the RHSD Domain Controller will allow for use of Single-Sign On.  RHSD also utilizes IETF Standardized projects and therefore will be compatible with any Directory system compatible with LDAP v.3.

Currently Available Features:

Migration Tool (Windows NT to RH LDC) Administrative Menu
LDAP Directory LDAP-based Domain Authentication
LDAP-based Local Machine Authentication Group Functionality
Initial Web Portal Domain Controller Replication (Version dependant)
Domain Trusts (Version Dependant)

Currently being Developed:

Web-based Administration Full RHSD Interoperability
DNS Name Resolution
DHCP Functionality

The Domain Server projects integrates the following projects:

OpenLDAP Provides LDAP v3 Directory Server for maintaining Domain Information
Samba:   Provides Windows Interoperability.  
Apache:  Provides Web services
Idealx:  Provides administration tools and webmin interface (if installed)
Webmin:  Provides Web-Based System Administration tool.
Smb-Network: Provides Web-based Share browsing
Php Provides Web Development for Tools


Questions About RH-LDC?

Q: What is the "Web Portal"?

A:  The Web portal is a centralized web location - for the Administrator, the web portal allows easy Domain administration from anywhere.  For the User, the Web Portal will provide a method to browse the Network from anywhere.  This aspect of the project aims to give web functionality of a similar capacity that Netware 6 offers.

Q:  Can the RHLDC do Roaming Profiles?  How about Mandatory Profiles?

A:   Sure can.  We just need to add some more functionality to the admin menu - but, you sure could develop a mandatory profile manually in the meantime.  Need Help?  Email Soup@systemtoolbox.com for assistance.

Q:   I tried to add a machine to the domain from the client (without a machine account on the server first).  This didn't seem to work...

A:  Sure it does.  You just have to use the user "root" and the password that you set at the end of installation.

Q:   I'm trying to use the LDC and when I try to add a client to the domain, it says it cannot find the domain. What's wrong?

A:    This tends to occur on larger networks with multiple domains.  Add the IP of the domain controller as the primary wins controller in the client's IP settings and it will work fine.
